The First Chopper

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Hitting the Wind

The Wind cleans my mind and my soul, of the bullshit the world lays on me.
       On me and most men like me.

The Wind cleans out the stories and manipulations, of the shoulds,
       ought-to's and have-to's.

The Wind blows down the walls of the boxes
      built by little minds with huge egos.

The Wind gradually strips the layers of pain out of me,
      that all Men carry from some time of their life.

The Wind is my best and cleanest Brother,
       who never lays judgement on me.

The Wind blows away the slackers, liars and low level Men,
      and the games they try to run around me.

The Wind blows away the little boys, who buzz around like flies,
      wearing Men's masks.

The Wind dissolves the stupid stories,
      that an old part of my mind tries to tell me.

The Wind cools the heat of my Woman's rage,
      that which all Women carry in some form.

The Wind separates that which is real,
       from what is actually meaningless bullshit.

The Wind gives me space to see a wise path to follow,
       and become the best Man I can be,

      amidst this crazy fucking thing called life.

More Men need to know the Wind.